Covid Policy

The Covid-19 pandemic was hard on many people, but governments made it more difficult than it had to be with illogical restrictions and mandates that caused more harm than the benefits they provided.

We all remember the caution tape at children’s outdoor playgrounds. What about the rims of basketball hoops removed from school courts?

In June 2020, when the consensus was that the SARS-CoV2 virus had almost no spread outdoors, the Township of Langley was still padlocking the outdoor sports facilities, while the Douglas Park hockey box down the road was open for use.

I guess Covid couldn’t go downhill?

We need someone on council to stand up for a common sense approach to mitigating illness in our community.

We need to make sure that no unelected bureaucrats ever again flex this unreasonable authority over our residents. The politicians at the time just rolled over instead of standing up for those that they represent.

As it is, the Township of Langley made it a policy that all employees and volunteers with the municipality get their two Covid-19 shots. Even at the time of this announcement (early 2021) it was already clear that the shots did not stop the spread of the virus, and it was at least debatable if they protected against illness.

The City of Richmond has already had to not only reverse a similar policy on getting the Covid shots, but was forced to provide backpay for all employees that were locked-out due to their personal health decisions.

I want to make sure that our hometown never ends up on the wrong end of one of those rulings.

Let’s use an evidence-based approach to local health, not an emotional one.